Dedicated to breeding beautiful, versatile, quality Arabians, NSH & Pintos with excellent dispositions.

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2005 Double Homozygous Black Tobiano stallion
Specialist In Colour
(Champs Reflexion x Sky View Dotty)
APHA# 840,233
PtHA# 136727
(Champs Reflexion x Sky View Dotty )
Specialist in Colour is a 2005 double homozygous black tobiano APHA/PtHA stallion. He has one of the best dispositions that he passes on to his foals. People have come over and spent 5 minutes with him and fell in love with his gentle and good nature.
Check out his photos above and you will see his kind nature in his eyes. Bonus for Specialist is that he is double homozygous black tobiano. He will always genetically sire a tobiano and will not sire a sorrel or chestnut.
Currently we have two black tobiano APHA mares in foal to Specialist and both are due in May 2013.
Specialist is offered for sale and would prefer retained breedings if possible.

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